N25 Waterford to Glenmore
Currently the project is at the conclusion of Phase 2- Option Selection and as part of this process a non-statutory public display event is to be held seeking the public’s feedback to the Preferred Option.
Given that the COVID-19 restrictions are continuing, we are seeking the public’s engagement through an on-line consultation accessible through this website.
You are encouraged to provide feedback via the comments section of the project website
Please make submissions by Friday 4th June 2021
The Preferred Option has been identified as the NAVY corridor and information is available through the interactive mapping and the detailed background information available to download from the ‘Public Display Event’ page.
About the project
Kilkenny County Council, in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), are proposing to develop a scheme to improve approximately 9.5 km of the N25 between Waterford and Glenmore. This project is called the N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme.
This is an important project for the South East Region.
The N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme is of particular importance as it forms part of:
- The Trans- European Transport Networks (TEN-T)
- Project Ireland 2040, incorporating The National Planning Framework(NPF) and National Development Plan (2018-2027) (NDP)
- Strategic Investment Framework for Land Transport (SIFLT)
- Smarter Travel – A Sustainable Transport Future (2009-2020)
- Road Safety Strategy (2013-2020)
- Regional Planning Guidelines for the South-East Region (2010-2022)
Planning and design work for the N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme was originally carried out between 2007 and 2011 by Tramore House Regional Design Office (THRDO) on behalf of Kilkenny County Council. This previous work was suspended in 2011 for economic reasons. Kilkenny County Council has now appointed Atkins to advance the project through the planning and design process. Subject to funding, the design process will be developed in stages, with opportunities for the public to participate in the decision making process at each stage.
Project Description
The N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme is located between two major bypass schemes around Waterford City and New Ross. The scheme will link the N25 New Ross Bypass (due to open in 2019) and the N25 Waterford City Bypass (opened in 2009) and is expected to consist of approximately 9.5km of dual carriageway national primary route linking these two existing upgraded sections of the N25.
Route corridor options for the N25 Waterford to Glenmore Scheme were previously developed and assessed by THRDO. A Preferred Route Corridor was identified and this is included in the current Kilkenny County Development Plan 2014 – 2020. Due to changes in environmental legislation, design standards and to comply with the requirements of the current Public Spending Code, new route corridor options will be developed and assessed by Atkins and a new Preferred Route Corridor will be identified. The planning and design work previously completed by THRDO will be considered as part of this process.
Atkins completed Phase 1 - Concept & Feasibility in Q4 2019 and a broad range of constraints and features such as properties, archaeology and environmental constraints were identified which influenced the identification and assessment of viable scheme options in Phase 2 – Options Selection.
The project moved to Phase 2 in Q 4 2019 and this phase consists of three stages of assessment with the aim of whittling the options down to an emerging preferred route corridor.
In the first stage of Phase 2, fifteen feasible route corridor options were developed within the study area and assessed under Engineering, Environment and Economy and the six most preferred route corridor options were presented at a virtual consultation held in June 2020 via the project website where feedback was sought from the public.
In the second stage of Phase 2, these six route corridor options were assessed in more detail under Environment, Safety, Economy, Accessibility & Social Inclusion and Integration as a means of identifying an emerging preferred route corridor.
The project has completed Phase 2 Option Selection and a Preferred Option has been selected in Q2 2021. The public display event of the Preferred Option is available to view on this website (Public Consultation tab from May 26th to June 4th).
This N25 Waterford to Glenmore Scheme continues to be an objective of Kilkenny County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) as it is a key road improvement, which will have a very positive effect on traffic in the region. The benefits of the scheme will include reduced congestion, quicker journey times, improved journey reliability and comfort and significantly higher levels of road safety on the route.
We are working in partnership with: