The N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme will link the N25 New Ross Bypass (due to open in 2019) and the N25 Waterford City Bypass (opened in 2009) and is expected to consist of approximately 9.5km of dual carriageway national primary route linking these two existing upgraded sections of the N25. The scheme is being developed in accordance with the TII Project Management Guidelines (PMG). Atkins Ireland has been appointed by Kilkenny County Council as the Consultant to progress the scheme. Tramore House Regional Design Office are managing the project on behalf of Kilkenny County Council and Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII). The future development of the scheme is subject to the relevant approvals and funding being provided.
The project aims to deliver on the strategies and objectives of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2018 - 2027 and National Planning Framework (NPF) - Project Ireland 2040. The N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme is included in NDP for pre-appraisal and early planning. The scheme will address issues of safety, journey time and capacity along the TEN-T network of the N25.
The N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme is included in NDP for pre-appraisal and early planning. However, the advancement of the scheme through planning, design and ultimately construction is subject to ongoing funding and statutory approvals.
The TII Project Management Guidelines (PMG) inform the planning and design process. A study area has been defined and constraints will be identified. At this point there will be a period of non-statutory public consultation, and the public will be invited to make submissions or comments on the study area and constraints. Initial feasible route corridor options will then be identified and assessed by Atkins, and a shortlist of route options will be selected. These route corridor options will be further refined and appraised before an emerging preferred route corridor is identified.
Route corridors do not represent the actual width of the road scheme or lands that may ultimately be acquired as they cover a wider area. The corridors give an indication of the area within which it is intended to develop a road alignment. In some instances, the route corridor may be increased at particular locations or modified, typically to accommodate engineering needs, environmental assessments or to address feedback provided through the consultation processes.
Feedback obtained from the public consultation and ongoing surveys and environmental/engineering assessments will be considered by the Project Team and, if appropriate, route corridors may be adjusted. Route corridors are wider than the width of the road to allow for adjustments to route options as described above. The adjustments to the route alignment options will generally occur within the route corridor but in some instances the route corridor may need to be increased. Combinations of different sections of route corridor options may also be examined if it is thought that such combinations of sections could result in a better overall scheme.
Stage 1 of the TII Route Selection process is the ‘Preliminary Options Assessment’. The assessment criteria of the initial Feasible Route Corridor Options are ‘Engineering’, ‘Environment’ &‘Economy’.
After the Initial Feasible Route Options are assessed and shortlisted under the headings ‘Engineering’, ‘Environment’ &‘Economy’, the Route Options will go on public display and there will be a period of non-statutory public consultation. Feedback and comments received through the public consultation will be considered by the Project Team when identifying an Emerging Preferred Route Corridor. The remaining route options are assessed under Stage 2 of the TII Option Selection process. The assessment criteria will be ‘Economy’, ‘Safety’, ‘Environment’, ‘Accessibility and Social Inclusion’, ‘Integration’ and ‘Physical Activity’.
The Emerging Preferred Route Corridor is the Corridor which is likely to be the Preferred Route, based on TII’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 Option Selection assessments. During Stage 3 of the Option Selection Process a further period of non-statutory public consultation will take place and the public will be able to make submissions or comments on the Emerging Preferred Route.
The Emerging Preferred Route Corridor is the Corridor which is likely to be the Preferred Route, based on TII’s Stage 1 and Stage 2 Option Selection assessments. During Stage 3 of the Option Selection Process a further period of non-statutory public consultation will take place and the public will be able to make submissions or comments on the Emerging Preferred Route.
The N25 Waterford to Glenmore Road Scheme is expected to be approximately 9.5km in length and it is possible that some residential property may be affected, and a small number may need to be purchased to facilitate the scheme. Every property is considered as a significant constraint in the route selection process and in so far as possible, the scheme will seek to avoid and/or minimise impacts. If property acquisition is ultimately required to facilitate the scheme, affected property owners will be consulted directly by the Project Team at the earliest stage possible.
Given the scale of the project, it is likely that all lands required for the schemes will be acquired by a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO). Should any part of a person’s private land/ property holding be included in the CPO, the land/property owner is entitled to compensation. This may also be the case for a person who may have an interest in any land/ property identified in the CPO. Compensation will be provided in accordance with CPO legislation.
New planning applications within the study area or route corridors may have an impact on the delivery or cost of a future road scheme. Planning applications and new developments may still be granted within the study area/route corridors, however as some planning applications may affect the scheme all relevant planning applications will be reviewed by the Project Team Each application will be considered on a case by case basis and a considered engineering opinion will be formed in relation to the potential impact of the application on the scheme. In some cases the design team may recommend an application is premature subject to the preferred route corridor being determined.
Each planning application within the study area will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis until the new route selection process is complete.
The status of bypassed sections of national road has not been determined at this time. Bypassed sections of national roads may remain as a national road or may be reclassified to regional or local roads following construction of new sections of the national route.
Initial traffic data collection will take place in September 2019. This information will be analysed and used to develop a traffic model, which will inform the route selection phase.
The Project Team will consider inputs from members of the public, such as submissions received through the public consultation processes, or identification of local issues. This will contribute to the development of the route selection process and scheme design.