The planning and design of the N25 Waterford to Glenmore Scheme will be progressed in accordance with the TII Project Management Guidelines.
These guidelines detail the processes and procedures for the planning, design, and construction of National Road schemes through eight separate phases (Phase 0 to Phase 7).
Scope and Pre-Appraisal (Phase 0) for the N25 Waterford to Glenmore Scheme has been completed by THRDO. Atkins will now progress the scheme towards Concept and Feasibility (Phase 1). This phase involves developing and investigating in further detail the feasibility of the project. The objectives identified during Phase 1 will be re-evaluated against relevant strategic plans and guidelines. A study area has been defined considering constraints such as environment, existing development and traffic.
Following the completion of Phase 1, the project will be progressed through Option Selection (Phase 2). In this phase, all relevant physical, environmental and other constraints will be identified, route corridor options will be developed and assessed against the scheme objectives considering engineering, environment and economy factors. The Preferred Route Corridor will be identified as the outcome of this assessment.
Following identification of the Preferred Route Corridor, more detailed design and environmental evaluation will be completed during Phase 3. The Preferred Route will be developed to establish land take requirements, significant project impacts will be identified and the scheme design refined as appropriate to address these impacts.
Phase 4 of the process will involve the preparation and publication of the Statutory Orders for the scheme in accordance with the relevant planning and environmental legislation. These will include the Environmental Impact Assessment Report and the Compulsory Purchase Order. These will be subject to approval by An Bord Pleanala, who may determine that an Oral Hearing will be held.
During the planning and design process, there will be a number of opportunities for the public to provide feedback and make recommendations in relation to the scheme. Public consultations will be carried out during each phase.
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